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Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtles


We all love seeing and hearing about the wonderful stories of rescue efforts and conservation work with sea life. There is so much being done to help the wild animals that live in the ocean. People are starting to realize that if we don’t start becoming aware of the impact we have on them how drastically it could affect our Eco system.

Here is South Texas we focus on the Kemp ridley sea turtle conservation. They are the most endangered sea turtle in the world making Padre Island National Seashore the most important nesting beach in the United States.

You can see the work that is done to help ensure the safety of the nesting turtles. The eggs are collected and incubated until they are ready to release back into the ocean. This process in helping ensure the survival of the species.

It also allows for the unique experience of the public being able to watch the releases. The National Seashore shares the information for the time and place of the releases from April through mid July. You can get more information about the releases by calling the Hatchling Hotline (361-949-7163).

For more information about the turtles and the conservation efforts you can visit these websites.


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