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Birding in Port A


Fun Fact:  Birding is the number one sport in America. According to US Fish and Wildlife Service, you’ll find 51.3 million fellow birders in the United States alone and that number only continues to grow!

In the heart of the number-one birding state, Port Aransas is where birders flock to more than anywhere else in Texas. If you’ve never gone birding, now’s your chance for you and your family to try something new. Here is the Nueces County Bird List for those looking for a list of birds you can expect to find while vacationing here in Port A.

Here are a few of the many reasons why we love recreational birding:

• Quality time with family Birding is a fun way to spend quality time with family. Enjoyed by people of all ages, birding is a great way to connect. Parents and grandparents can introduce the sport to their children and grandchildren sparking an interest in nature that will stay with them all their lives.

• Affordable.  The best birding sites are usually free or charge a nominal fee. You don’t need expensive equipment. Birding can be enhanced when done with a pair binoculars or a telescope but can be just as exciting when done with the naked eye.

• Nourishment for mind, body and soul.  Birding is an outdoor activity. While on vacation in Port Aransas, you’ll want to make time to enjoy the great outdoors. Few things in life feel as nourishing to the mind, body and soul than experiencing the natural world. Birding gives you a chance to visit parks and sanctuaries that you may not have otherwise sought out.  Before you know it, you’ll have covered quite a bit of ground.

• Be part of a community. Birding is the number one sport in the country.  As such, nearly every community has a birding club of some sort.  As birders are generally excited to share their finds, it acts as a great conversation starter and a great way to make friends wherever you go!

Ready to go birding?  Make Port Aransas your Texas bird watching vacation destination! Call Port Royal Ocean Resort today at 800.242.1034 to book your next stay. Remember to like us on Facebook and to our email list to receive special members only deals to save on your next stay!

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