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Port Royal supports Charity: Water

If you haven’t heard about Charity: Water, you should check out their website right now.

They are an incredible non-profit organization that works to bring clean water to those in need all over the world by giving %100 of all public donations to water projects like freshwater wells, rainwater catchments and sand filters.

We understand that there are many people that don’t have the luxury of having clean water to drink or play with. With an abundant supply of it right in our own backyard, we wanted to join Charity: Water in their cause to help those who lack access to clean water.

We are donating $1 for every room night that a guest stays in our resort, and we’re inviting our guests to match that.

By reaching our goal of $40,000, we can help thousands of people.

For more information on how to help and learn more about Charity: Water and our part in it, visit:

Also, check out our video:

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