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Spring Break Washer Tourneys


Washers is a true Texas classic. Whether you’re new to washers or if it’s been played within your family for generations, it’s fun the whole family can enjoy!  Join us for our Poolside Washers Tourney on Thursday, March 17th at 6pm. Winner will receive 2 pizzas from our bistro and a six pack of soda so be sure and sign up at our front desk or at the washers tournament location between 5:30pm – 6pm!  Washers is played throughout the state of Texas but no region plays it exactly the same. If you’re new to the game, fret not. Much of the appeal of washers is due to its simplicity and ease with which people can learn to play and enjoy the game.  Be sure to check out our recent Washers Tourney 101 article to get some brushed up on the history and lingo used in the sport!

Where to Play:

We will be hosting a Washers Tourneys here at Port Royal on Thursday, March 17, 3016 at 6pm.  Meet us poolside behind cabana 10 and 11 to sign up.  You can also sign up at the front desk.  Winner gets 2 large pizzas and 2 six packs of soda!

Don’t miss out on spring break!  Call Port Royal Ocean Resort today at 800.242.1034 to book your next stay!  Limited availability.  Remember to like us on Facebook and subscribe to our email list to receive special members only deals to save on your next stay!

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